Search for Carlton Lanes Shopping Centre stores, events and offers
Search for Carlton Lanes Shopping Centre stores, events and offers
Why not hop down to Carlton Lanes on Saturday, 19th April, as we celebrate Easter in eggcellent style! Whatever seasonal character your little ones would love to be – a rabbit, chick, butterfly, egg, flower fairy, or something else – our fabulous face painter will be on hand to transform them for free!
Whilst you’re with us, keep your eyes peeled for the Easter Bunny. Accompanied by a trusted friend, you’ll find the bunny on walkabout around the mall. Perfect for snapping a selfie and there might just be a tasty treat in-store …
Our Easter Fun event runs from 10am to 2pm*, so add the date to your diaries. You could come along in your Easter outfit too and have your makeover to match.
Don’t forget to pick up your Easter goodies from the shops, including food, flowers, outfits/accessories, crafting goods and so much more.
We hope you have an eggstraordinary time!
*times may be subject to change.