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All facilities are signposted around the centre and are easily accessible.

  • Toilet & disabled facilities
  • Baby changing facilities
  • Disabled access
  • 24/7 laundry
  • Yeep! parcel lockers
  • Defibrillators
  • 24/7 security & Safe Zone Scheme members on-site

The Centre Manager and security team are first-aid trained.

If you have any suggestions of how we can improve our facilities, why not get in touch with us by using our contact us form.

Toilet and Disabled Facilities

These can be found off Bridge Lane. Includes a wheelchair-accessible toilet and seat.

Baby Changing Facilities

Includes a nursing room and changing table.

Disabled Access

The shopping centre has a wheelchair-accessible car park and entrance.

Car Parking

An adjacent car park, with 128 spaces, including disabled bays. Wheelchair accessible. Paid parking but free on Sundays.

Yeep! Parcel Lockers

A community based, eco-friendly service, available 24/7, to send and receive parcels.

24/7 Laundry

Revolution Laundry laundromats offer a 24/7 service where you can wash and dry large quantities of laundry or bulky items in one go. Includes a contactless payment system.


The site provides access to 3 defibrillators - in the centre management office; outside the Market Lane entrance, and outside the Blackburn Lane entrance.

24/7 Security & Safe Zone

24/7 on-site security. A number of stores are members of the Safe Zone scheme. This creates safe zones for people who need help or if they are feeling unwell/unsafe. For more details, see: